Also, I went on a rather epic journey to 99 Ranch to reconnect with my Asian side tonight. It was like being back home! I never thought that fishy smell would make me feel comfort as opposed to the usual borderline disgust. Plus I had a short conversation with a lady in Chinese, and I stocked up on tons and tons of Asian food. It's all sitting in a cute hello kitty tote bag reminding me of how Asian I really am! Hahaha. God I miss Cupertino.

Dude, I just crave Chinese/my mom's yellow food ALL THE TIME NOW. It is terrible. I never thought I'd come to the day where I get tired of burgers and pizza, but it is upon me!
I haven't had chinese food in so long.
or indian food.
or, you know just asian food in general. sighhh
Some people were going to Chinatown for dinner tonight and I considered going just so I could feel at home.
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