
ob-la-di, ob-la-da

Life goes on.

I think we as people don't need labels, we need stories.
But here, I will contradict myself and tell you that I befriended a hustler! Legitimate, he used to steal cars in Chi-town. Maybe he knew Kanye. His story was honest, which I appreciate. Perhaps the label 'hustler' does not fit him to a t, but I will never know. Anyway, I laugh at myself and at life in general, but here is another life-experience and that is actually all that I am asking for in the day-to-day. This will be a fun story to reminisce upon in the future.

There were many thoughts running through my mind last night at hyper-speed, but for now I've let them settle. I'm appreciating the gentle ebb and flow as I sit here sipping my tea, because generally, things don't really last.

How did we all end up so scattered in our philosophies and desires?



One time, I did this project in the fifth grade about how the president wears a ton of different hats, like the commander-in-chief hat and the economic-adviser hat and such and such.

Everyone wears hats, not just the president.

My - button is sticky, I think there is a tiny bit of salsa verde chip jammed under it. Because I can not watch my opera without a spicy snack, and the crunchy factor split it when I bit it and it flew into my keyboard. Now, my -_- faces are made with great effort, so if I give you one remember to be grateful.

I've been productive & restless, I'm still looking for something and growing and gaining insight. Time flies, I feel different. It's cool.

Today Nate said, "Maybe when you grow up." Really, maybe when I grow up. When do we hit the age of "grown up"? And is it a mental thing or an emotional thing or a physical thing or what?

"Sometimes, I just wanna dance." -LMFAO

P.S. Do you know about The Secret?



rocks. so does dj air keke

yay skyblu and redfoo
they were crazyfun

dj air hollahollahollaaaa

me & skyblu

yee. today was gold. i went to zero classes, oops. homework time!


happy bubble

It's cool to let things roll off your shoulders and accept things for what they are. I kind of miss high school days, but there is SO much that I am looking forward to in the coming years. Growing is fun, I feel like a plant.

My weekend was fun-filled. It was delicious and perfect. My essay on the other hand, is neither of the two.

Oops @ me getting written up by my RA's boyfriend. Yeah, the one I had a 2-hour breakfast expedition with. Haha, oh life.



will I be this happy, content, appreciative again? I'm going to try and make it last forever.

a beautiful magnolia tree -- I like the curve. Do you see it?

I like my daffodils

Neverland, basically.

I feel so blessed, thank you to whatever forces rule this universe 'cause I feel like I am learning so much in such a happy and mind-opening way.

My soundtrack of the moment is almost purely Beatles, Beach Boys, and Simon & Garfunkel. Do I even belong in this era anymore? haha.


irresponsible weekends

are something that I absolutely love.

My weekends always start early because I'm done with class on Thursdays at 2pm. Around 12 hours after that I received a call from Crystal, so I met up with her and her SD friends at Jack in the Box. The following four hours consisted of chatting and eating delicious pho, and then I pretty much crashed in the trunk of Matt's Land Rover and failed at directing them to the UCI exit. So OKAY, I was on my way to SD. Hooray spontaneity.

A fully chill weekend where my mind did not stray to homework; not once, thanks to the eat-sleep-eat more routine. And now I am greeted with quite a pile! Oops! Irresponsible weekends bite you in the ass, I now have an essay to write and 50 pages to read.

I doubt I will be finishing my homework tonight, what with the Grammys (aka terrible performaces by Katy Perry and effing Miley Cyrus, but cutie Paul McCartney so it's all okay) and my EXCITEMENT for the vendor sales coming to UCI tomorrow! I know it will be rainy but I am so, SO thrilled to once again have the mall come to me and I will empty my wallet readily. So sad. But I am applying for jobs, brownie points for me right?

Oh, and I said I would write about He's Just Not That Into You. When honestly, I should be writing about a movie called He's Just Not That Into You...YET!

While the first half of the movie was cynically pleasing and realistically portrayed, the second half completely failed and just adhered to chick-flick standards, causing the packed theatre to drown in "oohs" and "aahs". Pretty much the movie went against what it was trying to say, so it was a little disappointing. Still enjoyable overall though, I just wish it hadn't started off so realistically and ended up so fairytale-like. Sorry kids, reality bites.

So pretty much all I'm waiting for is Lil Wayne on the Grammys.
WHY is he so cute? Hahaha I was laughing so hard. Newfound respect for Weezy F. Baby.

My horoscope tells me to be ready to jump in for adventure and change. This excites me. However, last night I dreamt of a lion dying. Upon referral to my little dream book, I found that a lion symbolized leadership and strength. SO leadership and strength are dying in my life? YEAH cool...haha.

ALSO! I got a twitter! My friend convinced me to get one, so I did. I'm easily persuaded. You guys should get one too, if you want. It confuses me. But yeah it seems cute or stalkery, I still can't decide.

OK I'm out! Peace.


so it's raining.

Which is quite an odd phenomenon around here.

In other news, I have finished my first round of midterms for this quarter! Hoorah. Although I am pretty sure I epically failed my Beatles midterm. Who knew the class that makes me happiest also could cause me this much stress.

I'm pretty exhausted but my room is also in the worst disorder. I can't decide whether to take a nap or clean my room! Oh bother.


this, i miss

Walking home by the railroad.

Cupertino in the summer time.

Walking to the park.

Stillness and beauty...& being alone to appreciate it.

The chemistry and the crazy and the "THIS IS IT" factor.


I'm getting antsy; I can't stay still for long. I need a change of scenery. Talk of escaping to Pasadena and NorCal and LA are especially enticing right now.

I want to go on a nice hike and see the view. Not the smog, the view.

In other news, my midterms remain un-studied for and my tan lines have become more definite. I am half pleased.

GG failed.

Another thing on my mind: project 365. One photo every day for a year to represent each day. It's not too late to start, right? And I finally have a working camera, thanks to friendly people and some Scotch tape. I'll start tomorrow!

The Grand Slam breakfast tomorrow at Denny's! Waking up bright and early, 5:30 AM. Good thing I am getting all my REM.


i'm the worst roommate ever

what with my constant sniffling and sneezing, my water boiler being extremely noisy, and my light being...on. And yeah, Sarah is sleeping peacefully while I click-click away on my again, very noisy laptop keyboard. Doing nothing productive and reverting to blogging to keep myself entertained.

This weekend consisted of the usual college revelries...and then some.

So I pretty much love Socal. Sorry, east coasters/norcal-ers, to rub it in your face. Just gives you more reason to visit me! The weather, and cause I miss you. Duh.

Anyway, I'm sick again. I never really got over my first wave of being sick. And then not sleeping and not doing sick-person things will screw you over so here I am being Ms. Sniffles again.

Also I have two midterms this week, so hopefully I will not get so bad that (God forbid) I won't be able to focus on studying. Hahaha.

And weather in the high seventies means that I will be tanning by the pool...hoorah!