You know how Friends had Central Perk? The crazy kids I hang out with have favorite hangout spots too...and as I got to thinking about it, I realized we'll be missing some of these places soon. THEN where will we get to hang out and be our ridiculous selves??? ):
My pool area: witness to many a poolside picnic, tanning sesh, BBQ...the list goes on. Late night hot tubbing and spontaneous/hilarious dancing, awkward stretches and watermelon bars. After my parents move to a townhouse in SC we won't have access to the pool unless we hop the fence, and I've seen some fierce Valley Green maintenance guys yelling at kids who try to get in without a key. I don't think I can handle that!!
Meher's garage: after his parents move to India I don't think they're keeping the house! ): Where will we have all our scary movie nights? All our random singing/dancing parties? Where will we practice our Forever choreo?
Arjun's backyard: K so this will still be there, but bonfires will be completely changed if our little friend Baldie gets his way. Sure we can have bonfires on the roof (RIIIIGHT). No but bonfires will totally be different without that gorgeous view. Jeebus.
Anyway, this post was pretttty pointless, but what I'm really getting at is that the time to move is coming closer than I'd ever imagined, and I'm just now really appreciating what I have. Ok, or maybe I'm trying to make meaning out of a load of crap, you tell me. I'm tired!
Layang Layang was fun tonight, food was delicious as always and I'm glad we got to get together one last time. I felt like a mama bear with thirteen starved children.
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