However, one king size bar of dark chocolate later and I was probably the happiest camper in the woods. Not only that, but everything else seemed to be going well too. I love being surrounded by amazing people who don't seem to get fazed by random girls with roller-coaster emotions.
So, yeah. I realized people will prove you wrong, and they'll rise to the situation. And the least I can do is be a happy person back to them! Cause nobody wants to deal with Oscar the grouch.
Carving pumpkins is good release too. I carved a batman pumpkin, tis awesome.

Ben and Jerry's does the trick too :]
YAY OPTIMISM ABOUT PEOPLE double happy face.
Also, post a picture of your batman pumpkin... I can't see that one??
ps were u wearing ur batman shoes when u were carving it? pls say yes haha.
I totally know what you mean by waking up and feeling like poop. Ughh it's like the world is hating on you. Chocolate usually does the trick for me too :) But it's nice to know that you've found comfort in understanding people!
when i hate my days here im usually so tempted to get a whole thing of haagen dazs ice cream and dig in, but that wouldn't be so good now would it.. haha
i concur, post a pikcha of your pumpkin! :)
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