
just kidding

So Friday night turned out to be one of the most fun nights ever. Contrary to my original desires, the girls and I went out! We got dressed up and went to Shocktoberfest, just as Three 6 Mafia was starting. Pretty amazing performance minus the endless sea of creepers. We went to the afterparty afterwards and danced the night away...for well, okay, an hour. Yeah it was a pretty lame afterparty but the dancing was good, the music was good, and there were some people getting hyphyhyphyhyphyhyphy which made me feel pretty much at home, haha. After that little dancing stint (with yes, MORE creepers) ended me and the girls wandered around and evenutally ended up at Jack in the Box at 2am. Post-fatty eating, we went back home and chilled with our boys and had a sleepover. So yeah, it was pretty great. I love weekends.

Yesterday was quite dull though. I went to the Spectrum and didn't buy anything but necessities (MADNESS) and browsed for Halloween costumes. I still don't know what to be and Halloween is right around the corner!

Sundays are always study days and chore days. I kinda like it..everyone's doing their own thing. We'll come together and have dinner and bitch and moan about our midterms and endless work and then settle back into the weekday schedule. It's getting so comfortable!

I have to take out my trash. See you on the flip side (:

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