My Humanities Core midterm basically owned me. There were six short answers and one essay in a time span of 50 minutes and I pretty much did four decent short answers, two half-assed unfinished ones, and one very crappy unfinished essay. Going into it, I was totally aware of how unprepared I was. And this was basically the first time I ever really had test anxiety. I woke up this morning with "shitshitshitshitshit" running through my head like a broken record. BAD SIGN! I even got convinced into buying some tiny bottle of 5 hour instant energy for four bucks...I didn't even use it cause I don't react that well to caffeine. Haha are you getting the jist of how freaked out I was??
I spent last night reading over lecture notes and begging whatever otherworldly being is out there massively enjoying my pain to stop the madness. Honestly, after cramming lectures and notes and discussions into my head, I couldn't even think in a singular pathway. Things went in circles. You know that famous angel/devil sitting on your shoulders picture? Try like twelve of them in your head, running around like they all drank my stupid little energy shot thingy. Aristotle and Plato and my own voice (AKA CHERISTOTLE! Haha in my freaked out state I found that very funny..) all contradicting each other and competing for dominance. It was not fun. There is still hope though. Maybe my teacher will take my unconstructed and loosely worded sentences for genius and I'll sail through the class with flying colors!
Most likely not. I was standing in the hall waiting for class to start and I was talking to some class mates and I said "I am so FUCKING SCREWED!" in my (rather loud) regular voice. Then I turn next to me and OH HI BRIAN THILL PLEASE DON'T LET THAT STATEMENT AFFECT MY GRADE...good job, Chery. I slinked to the back of the room and wrote as fast as humanly possible.
I got home and found a cute postcard and a letter on my desk. MAJOR mood booster! (: I finally got Ben's autumn leaves from Massachusetts and Crystal's zot zot postcard. I love both! And I can't believe I have leaves from Massachusetts in my room. I think that is very cool.
Hooray for Halloween and the weekend being tomorrow! I have absolutely no motivation to do any work tonight so I will probably commit to my regular routine of staying up until 2 AM and eating ramen at ungodly hours. Toodles!
another "what I did today" post..
So today was the 25% off sale at the bookstore. It opened at 8 AM, and being the dedicated shopper that I am, I found a buddy to go with me at 8 AM. Funny how I can be motivated enough to wake up for 8 AM shopping but not for 8 AM bio lectures...duh. I actually expected the store to be pretty quiet, cause come on. 8 AM and college students usually don't mix. Contrary to my beliefs though...the store was packed. It was like freaking Black Friday three weeks early!! Thus my shopping strategy changed completely! I ended up getting a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and shorts. Who says I'm not a morning person?
After this extreme success, Joyce and I headed over to Pippin for breakfast. This was maybe the first or second time I've actually had a legit breakfast since coming here and MY was it delicious! We had cappuccinos and made a waffle with Oreos in it and it is QUALITY! (Haha)
So yes. My morning went remarkably well and it set the mood for the rest of the day, minus all the ridiculous studying I have to do for Humanities core. So my midterm is tomorrow and I haven't really started studying...go me.
The past few days have been relatively uneventful, just regular college times sleeping too late and slacking off too much, eating unhealthy deliciousness and sometimes suffering because of it. For example, I was boiling water in my hot water pot a few days ago so I could have some tasty tasty ramen (whoever invented ramen is my hero). I burnt my thumb on the hot steam pouring out of the hot pot. It got kind of swollen and red but it was fine for the most part. The next day I had ramen again and burnt my tongue...I think I should just avoid ramen altogether. Anyway. My tongue really hurts and I was brushing my teeth this morning and it started like...bleeding lightly. Sorry to paint a disgusting picture but I was super surprised and a little grossed out. OUCH ):
My suite decorated for Halloween! We put up ghosts, covered the lights with red paper, and taped down outlines of bodies that bitchy maintenance people later removed (!!!!). We even have a black light!! It's pretty bomb.
In other news, I miss my friends far too much. It's funny how this crazy wave of homesickness is just hitting me after being in Irvine for over a month. I just want to be back with my true homies for a bit so I can remember what it feels like to trust completely and be 100% yourself without having to censor yourself or fear the consequences of what you honestly say or believe. I miss the trust and lack of judgement and the non-gossipyness.
Till next time! If I can possibly drag myself out from piles and piles of Aristotle and Plato, that is. Wish me luck.
After this extreme success, Joyce and I headed over to Pippin for breakfast. This was maybe the first or second time I've actually had a legit breakfast since coming here and MY was it delicious! We had cappuccinos and made a waffle with Oreos in it and it is QUALITY! (Haha)
So yes. My morning went remarkably well and it set the mood for the rest of the day, minus all the ridiculous studying I have to do for Humanities core. So my midterm is tomorrow and I haven't really started studying...go me.
The past few days have been relatively uneventful, just regular college times sleeping too late and slacking off too much, eating unhealthy deliciousness and sometimes suffering because of it. For example, I was boiling water in my hot water pot a few days ago so I could have some tasty tasty ramen (whoever invented ramen is my hero). I burnt my thumb on the hot steam pouring out of the hot pot. It got kind of swollen and red but it was fine for the most part. The next day I had ramen again and burnt my tongue...I think I should just avoid ramen altogether. Anyway. My tongue really hurts and I was brushing my teeth this morning and it started like...bleeding lightly. Sorry to paint a disgusting picture but I was super surprised and a little grossed out. OUCH ):
My suite decorated for Halloween! We put up ghosts, covered the lights with red paper, and taped down outlines of bodies that bitchy maintenance people later removed (!!!!). We even have a black light!! It's pretty bomb.
In other news, I miss my friends far too much. It's funny how this crazy wave of homesickness is just hitting me after being in Irvine for over a month. I just want to be back with my true homies for a bit so I can remember what it feels like to trust completely and be 100% yourself without having to censor yourself or fear the consequences of what you honestly say or believe. I miss the trust and lack of judgement and the non-gossipyness.
Till next time! If I can possibly drag myself out from piles and piles of Aristotle and Plato, that is. Wish me luck.
lazy sunday
On the contrary, Sundays are the most productive days of the week. Or they should be, for me at least. My list-making tendencies led me to fill a piece of paper with tasks that need to be completed for the day. And the dominant task on this hello kitty stationary is reading. Around 100 pages of reading maybe. Oh, and an essay that I really need to start on. And my resume. And my midterm is on Thursday! I really don't know how I let myself get so behind..I guess I've been counting on my Sundays to be full-on study days so I can get on top of everything before the week starts.
Unfortunately, Sundays I usually wake up around 1 or 2. Breakfast ended at 4pm today. My hallmates and I had to go to Wendys cause that's the only place open on campus for our messed up eating schedules. It was definitely delicious, but quite a surprise when we all sat back with contended sighs and then realized the day was almost over and dinner was right around the corner.
So yeah, I have a shitload of stuff to do today and the rest of the week. Luckily I have something massively amazing to look forward to: Jason Mraz in LA this weekend! I get to hang out with Tiffo and see Jason Mraz aka my LOVER! Nothing could be better. And with that in mind I will hopefully be able to persevere through this deathweek.
I finally put up pictures from home on my wall! No longer bare, it is now covered with YOUR smiling faces! Yes, you. I enjoy it. (:
Unfortunately, Sundays I usually wake up around 1 or 2. Breakfast ended at 4pm today. My hallmates and I had to go to Wendys cause that's the only place open on campus for our messed up eating schedules. It was definitely delicious, but quite a surprise when we all sat back with contended sighs and then realized the day was almost over and dinner was right around the corner.
So yeah, I have a shitload of stuff to do today and the rest of the week. Luckily I have something massively amazing to look forward to: Jason Mraz in LA this weekend! I get to hang out with Tiffo and see Jason Mraz aka my LOVER! Nothing could be better. And with that in mind I will hopefully be able to persevere through this deathweek.
I finally put up pictures from home on my wall! No longer bare, it is now covered with YOUR smiling faces! Yes, you. I enjoy it. (:
I woke up yesterday feeling like shit in all senses of the word...physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. It was one of those days where you wake up and you KNOW shit hits the fan today, nawmean? Well as the day progressed I was more and more convinced that my initial instinct was correct. I stormed around with a pretty grumpy demeanor for the better half of the day, waiting until I could fall asleep and hopefully wake up in a more optimistic mood.
However, one king size bar of dark chocolate later and I was probably the happiest camper in the woods. Not only that, but everything else seemed to be going well too. I love being surrounded by amazing people who don't seem to get fazed by random girls with roller-coaster emotions.
So, yeah. I realized people will prove you wrong, and they'll rise to the situation. And the least I can do is be a happy person back to them! Cause nobody wants to deal with Oscar the grouch.
Carving pumpkins is good release too. I carved a batman pumpkin, tis awesome.
However, one king size bar of dark chocolate later and I was probably the happiest camper in the woods. Not only that, but everything else seemed to be going well too. I love being surrounded by amazing people who don't seem to get fazed by random girls with roller-coaster emotions.
So, yeah. I realized people will prove you wrong, and they'll rise to the situation. And the least I can do is be a happy person back to them! Cause nobody wants to deal with Oscar the grouch.
Carving pumpkins is good release too. I carved a batman pumpkin, tis awesome.

just kidding
So Friday night turned out to be one of the most fun nights ever. Contrary to my original desires, the girls and I went out! We got dressed up and went to Shocktoberfest, just as Three 6 Mafia was starting. Pretty amazing performance minus the endless sea of creepers. We went to the afterparty afterwards and danced the night away...for well, okay, an hour. Yeah it was a pretty lame afterparty but the dancing was good, the music was good, and there were some people getting hyphyhyphyhyphyhyphy which made me feel pretty much at home, haha. After that little dancing stint (with yes, MORE creepers) ended me and the girls wandered around and evenutally ended up at Jack in the Box at 2am. Post-fatty eating, we went back home and chilled with our boys and had a sleepover. So yeah, it was pretty great. I love weekends.
Yesterday was quite dull though. I went to the Spectrum and didn't buy anything but necessities (MADNESS) and browsed for Halloween costumes. I still don't know what to be and Halloween is right around the corner!
Sundays are always study days and chore days. I kinda like it..everyone's doing their own thing. We'll come together and have dinner and bitch and moan about our midterms and endless work and then settle back into the weekday schedule. It's getting so comfortable!
I have to take out my trash. See you on the flip side (:
Yesterday was quite dull though. I went to the Spectrum and didn't buy anything but necessities (MADNESS) and browsed for Halloween costumes. I still don't know what to be and Halloween is right around the corner!
Sundays are always study days and chore days. I kinda like it..everyone's doing their own thing. We'll come together and have dinner and bitch and moan about our midterms and endless work and then settle back into the weekday schedule. It's getting so comfortable!
I have to take out my trash. See you on the flip side (:
friday night
So what does a college freshman, finally free from a fat midterm and fatter essay, want to do on a Friday night?
Absolutely nothing.
That's right. Which is probably why you find me here on blogspot instead of at the ARC with my friends. Also why I'm not going to watch three 6 mafia tonight at Shocktoberfest. Again, the reason why I didn't go to Fashion Island earlier today. Wow. Sometimes I really surprise myself.
And I can't stop thinking that tonight would be a perfect night for a bonfire.
I'm pretty tired and grumpy. Like I mentioned, my first midterm was this morning at 8 (so I've been up since 7, which COULD be a contributing factor for the grumpiness) and my college paper was due today too. I'm pretty pooped and I really wouldn't mind just vegetating in front of the TV with a bag of salsa verde chips until I fall asleep with my mouth hanging open. Just kidding, except you know I'm not.
This weekend should be pretty relaxing, something that I am DEFINITELY psyched for. YAY lazy days.
Ugh. Grumpy factor #2: my keyboard is being really spastic..while I type a sentence it'll like jump somewhere mid-type. So I end up with jibberish if I don't consistently drag my stupid little cursor over and click there, and delete, and re-type, and it is just a fat tranny mess that I absolutely do not want to deal with right now!
Okay....bye. Sorry for writing maybe the worst blog post in history.
Absolutely nothing.
That's right. Which is probably why you find me here on blogspot instead of at the ARC with my friends. Also why I'm not going to watch three 6 mafia tonight at Shocktoberfest. Again, the reason why I didn't go to Fashion Island earlier today. Wow. Sometimes I really surprise myself.
And I can't stop thinking that tonight would be a perfect night for a bonfire.
I'm pretty tired and grumpy. Like I mentioned, my first midterm was this morning at 8 (so I've been up since 7, which COULD be a contributing factor for the grumpiness) and my college paper was due today too. I'm pretty pooped and I really wouldn't mind just vegetating in front of the TV with a bag of salsa verde chips until I fall asleep with my mouth hanging open. Just kidding, except you know I'm not.
This weekend should be pretty relaxing, something that I am DEFINITELY psyched for. YAY lazy days.
Ugh. Grumpy factor #2: my keyboard is being really spastic..while I type a sentence it'll like jump somewhere mid-type. So I end up with jibberish if I don't consistently drag my stupid little cursor over and click there, and delete, and re-type, and it is just a fat tranny mess that I absolutely do not want to deal with right now!
Okay....bye. Sorry for writing maybe the worst blog post in history.
update on LIFE!
As some of my close friends have noted, I have pretty much disappeared from the world of the interweb as of late. Deepest and most sincere apologies, friends! My bad. So what have I been up to in recent days besides avoiding the computer?
I've been going to the ARC basically every weekday (meaning Sunday-Thursday) with some chill kids from my hall and it's been amazing. I freaking love that place! Exercising has never been so fun. I run into hella people when I'm there too, like I saw Alyssa and Johnway really randomly one day. I have yet to see Kobe Bryant though. Unfortunate. ): I climbed the rock climbing wall again yesterday and ALMOST got over the overhang, but I was already tired from working out so I kind of failed and let go and just hung in the air like some overgrown, miserable spider dangling from a heavy duty rope. (Speaking of spiders, the spiders here are freakin ginormous and EVERYWHERE. So. Scary.) Rather embarrassing really, cause the wall is right by the entrance and basically everyone stares at you while you climb...well, stares at your backside. WHICH IS NOT FUN. ): But I <3 my workout crew and I WILL conquer the overhang by the end of the year! SUCK IT.
Last night I stayed up with some people until around 5am. After a rather intense study sesh and a pretty spontaneous late-night Jack in the Box run, we all happily drifted into food coma and crashed in the common room. Three hours later, an unhappy and dissheveled me woke up and basically ran to class.
Work is starting to pile up and I have a bunch of stuff to do on a regular basis...lots of reading and note-taking and checking websites to make sure I don't miss quizzes/reading assignments (OOPS). Plus midterms start next week and I have my first ever college essay due tomorrow SO wish me lots of luck! Besides the workload and the sometimes-falling asleep in class my classes have been pretty good. Next quarter I'm definitely getting later classes though cause it sucks major ass to be up when everyone else is still sleeping. Plus, late night talks with guilty thoughts of early classes just ruin the vibe.
I <3 IRVINE! I'm having so much fun and I'm so excited for the coming days. Tonight is the basketball game that some of the boys in my hall are playing in and they're super pumped to be competing and I am super pumped for them. We've all gotten so close and everyone in my hall is superchill and awesome. (: Later this weekend my hall is going to go eat Korean BBQ, it's a couple of people's birthdays, and CRYSTAL IS COMING TO VISIT! God I miss that girl...and the rest of you old MV readers. (: Till next time! Which I promise won't be that long. <3
OH AND I WORE MY GLADIATOR SHOES TODAY! Update on flip-flop tan is NO GOOD. And my gladiators merited some compliments and some guy called me Maximus.....ummmmmk.
I've been going to the ARC basically every weekday (meaning Sunday-Thursday) with some chill kids from my hall and it's been amazing. I freaking love that place! Exercising has never been so fun. I run into hella people when I'm there too, like I saw Alyssa and Johnway really randomly one day. I have yet to see Kobe Bryant though. Unfortunate. ): I climbed the rock climbing wall again yesterday and ALMOST got over the overhang, but I was already tired from working out so I kind of failed and let go and just hung in the air like some overgrown, miserable spider dangling from a heavy duty rope. (Speaking of spiders, the spiders here are freakin ginormous and EVERYWHERE. So. Scary.) Rather embarrassing really, cause the wall is right by the entrance and basically everyone stares at you while you climb...well, stares at your backside. WHICH IS NOT FUN. ): But I <3 my workout crew and I WILL conquer the overhang by the end of the year! SUCK IT.
Last night I stayed up with some people until around 5am. After a rather intense study sesh and a pretty spontaneous late-night Jack in the Box run, we all happily drifted into food coma and crashed in the common room. Three hours later, an unhappy and dissheveled me woke up and basically ran to class.
Work is starting to pile up and I have a bunch of stuff to do on a regular basis...lots of reading and note-taking and checking websites to make sure I don't miss quizzes/reading assignments (OOPS). Plus midterms start next week and I have my first ever college essay due tomorrow SO wish me lots of luck! Besides the workload and the sometimes-falling asleep in class my classes have been pretty good. Next quarter I'm definitely getting later classes though cause it sucks major ass to be up when everyone else is still sleeping. Plus, late night talks with guilty thoughts of early classes just ruin the vibe.
I <3 IRVINE! I'm having so much fun and I'm so excited for the coming days. Tonight is the basketball game that some of the boys in my hall are playing in and they're super pumped to be competing and I am super pumped for them. We've all gotten so close and everyone in my hall is superchill and awesome. (: Later this weekend my hall is going to go eat Korean BBQ, it's a couple of people's birthdays, and CRYSTAL IS COMING TO VISIT! God I miss that girl...and the rest of you old MV readers. (: Till next time! Which I promise won't be that long. <3
OH AND I WORE MY GLADIATOR SHOES TODAY! Update on flip-flop tan is NO GOOD. And my gladiators merited some compliments and some guy called me Maximus.....ummmmmk.
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