
end of the day blues

Work is really starting to pile up, I'm feeling like I'm falling behind. I'm starting to get a little worried about my schedule too. Juggling school, work, social life, SLEEP, and a smattering of other things I'm trying to get involved in. Still waiting on a call from ASUCI (still crossing my fingers), haven't yet gotten around to writing a piece for the New U, and have just recently started trying to figure out how H.O.T tutoring is going to fit in to my schedule.

I will admit I'm getting a little stressed about how hectic things may be getting...but perhaps it's solely because things are still settling. Once my schedule gets a bit more stable maybe I'll feel more secure.

It just seems like time passes so quickly these days and I can't ever really get around to everything I want to do. Suddenly it's 12 midnight and I'm reminding myself to head to bed, gotta be up at 8:30 to get ready for yet another day.

On the bright side I'm never bored...there are always things to look forward to and I'm always pre-planning and making lists of things to accomplish. Goals goals goals...but sometimes perhaps too many? I just feel that my plate last year was so empty, that now, maybe my eyes are bigger than my stomach. We'll see...I'm gonna jump into this full speed and see if I crash and burn.

Still feels like somethings a little lacking. I'd love to sit and think and talk fluidly for a long time, without worrying about time or another topic to discuss.

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