

One time, I did this project in the fifth grade about how the president wears a ton of different hats, like the commander-in-chief hat and the economic-adviser hat and such and such.

Everyone wears hats, not just the president.

My - button is sticky, I think there is a tiny bit of salsa verde chip jammed under it. Because I can not watch my opera without a spicy snack, and the crunchy factor split it when I bit it and it flew into my keyboard. Now, my -_- faces are made with great effort, so if I give you one remember to be grateful.

I've been productive & restless, I'm still looking for something and growing and gaining insight. Time flies, I feel different. It's cool.

Today Nate said, "Maybe when you grow up." Really, maybe when I grow up. When do we hit the age of "grown up"? And is it a mental thing or an emotional thing or a physical thing or what?

"Sometimes, I just wanna dance." -LMFAO

P.S. Do you know about The Secret?


Paulina said...

Or you could just copy and paste the - to save the violent effort of hitting - repeatedly to get it to work.

Anonymous said...

My . key is pretty broken ):
Periods at the ends of sentences are nice, so I have an external keyboard.

And I totally remember that presidential hats stuff! old skewl!