Walking home by the railroad.

Cupertino in the summer time.

Walking to the park.

Stillness and beauty...& being alone to appreciate it.

The chemistry and the crazy and the "THIS IS IT" factor.
I'm getting antsy; I can't stay still for long. I need a change of scenery. Talk of escaping to Pasadena and NorCal and LA are especially enticing right now.
I want to go on a nice hike and see the view. Not the smog, the view.
In other news, my midterms remain un-studied for and my tan lines have become more definite. I am half pleased.
GG failed.
Another thing on my mind: project 365. One photo every day for a year to represent each day. It's not too late to start, right? And I finally have a working camera, thanks to friendly people and some Scotch tape. I'll start tomorrow!
The Grand Slam breakfast tomorrow at Denny's! Waking up bright and early, 5:30 AM. Good thing I am getting all my REM.
LUCKY YOU. I don't think there's even a Denny's in SC. Along with no In-N-Out & Chipotle, which I have crazy cravings for.
Also I miss being ridiculous with everyone and not getting made fun of. Or getting made fun of in a joking manner.
Also lol, the word verification for this is "calif".
I'm going to Denny's too! It's 3:21AM and I'm debating whether or not to even sleep at this point hahaha. MISS YOU
dude my friend woke up at 5 this morning to go to the dennys thing. we called him a dumbass.
p.s. - nice blog makeover. i will call you soon for some skyping/talking. probably tomorrow or the day after.
miss you :(
and come up and visit! esp. for picnic day at DAVIS. it's going to be intense.
AND. project 365 sounds very cool.
please showcase it when it is done.
wow deja vu reading that.
I miss c-town as well :(
I'm looking forward to break! and summer :D
I miss ice cream tuesdays. ahhh carefree icecream days
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