My weekends always start early because I'm done with class on Thursdays at 2pm. Around 12 hours after that I received a call from Crystal, so I met up with her and her SD friends at Jack in the Box. The following four hours consisted of chatting and eating delicious pho, and then I pretty much crashed in the trunk of Matt's Land Rover and failed at directing them to the UCI exit. So OKAY, I was on my way to SD. Hooray spontaneity.
A fully chill weekend where my mind did not stray to homework; not once, thanks to the eat-sleep-eat more routine. And now I am greeted with quite a pile! Oops! Irresponsible weekends bite you in the ass, I now have an essay to write and 50 pages to read.
I doubt I will be finishing my homework tonight, what with the Grammys (aka terrible performaces by Katy Perry and effing Miley Cyrus, but cutie Paul McCartney so it's all okay) and my EXCITEMENT for the vendor sales coming to UCI tomorrow! I know it will be rainy but I am so, SO thrilled to once again have the mall come to me and I will empty my wallet readily. So sad. But I am applying for jobs, brownie points for me right?
Oh, and I said I would write about He's Just Not That Into You. When honestly, I should be writing about a movie called He's Just Not That Into You...YET!
While the first half of the movie was cynically pleasing and realistically portrayed, the second half completely failed and just adhered to chick-flick standards, causing the packed theatre to drown in "oohs" and "aahs". Pretty much the movie went against what it was trying to say, so it was a little disappointing. Still enjoyable overall though, I just wish it hadn't started off so realistically and ended up so fairytale-like. Sorry kids, reality bites.
So pretty much all I'm waiting for is Lil Wayne on the Grammys.
WHY is he so cute? Hahaha I was laughing so hard. Newfound respect for Weezy F. Baby.
My horoscope tells me to be ready to jump in for adventure and change. This excites me. However, last night I dreamt of a lion dying. Upon referral to my little dream book, I found that a lion symbolized leadership and strength. SO leadership and strength are dying in my life? YEAH cool...haha.
ALSO! I got a twitter! My friend convinced me to get one, so I did. I'm easily persuaded. You guys should get one too, if you want. It confuses me. But yeah it seems cute or stalkery, I still can't decide.
OK I'm out! Peace.
did you just call weezy f. baby, the most grrrimy nigga-gangsta-blood on the planet,cute?!
you are right! that diamond-studded smile is quality.
i can't believe you called paul mccartney a cutie. ew.
glad you had a fun weekend though! i hope you had lots of yummy curly fries
What's your twitter name?
And yeah I think it would be fun if we all started using it. I fail at updated very often currently.
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