You see, sometimes things just fit perfectly. And you are rewarded for your skill/action or whatever you did to deserve something falling into place so nicely. Kudos.

More often than not, this is not the case.

Sometimes, you THINK something will fit, BUT IT WON'T! That's your bad, oops. Don't worry, it's fixable.

It just sucks when something better comes along that would have fit. Then you kick yourself in the shins. But again, more pieces are coming so, not to worry!
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Ultimately you die, unless you play tetris until you...actually die. Sad for you.

Sometimes things are just fail. It's okay, try again.
Don't worry guys, contrary to the illustrations, I am actually pretty good at Tetris......ha.
I wonder what my life would look like as a Tetris game. Haha. Am I crazy? Have I been trying to study/not study for too long? Yes, probably to both. Sigh.
A more substantial portion of this strange blogpost:
A good sense of humor is all you need to get through anything life throws your way.
For instance, the single life can be crazy and very weird. One of my girl friends told me stories about weird guys touching her legs and asking to see her armpits and the such. And we all know the (fail) stories of my car hustler and other...more than friendly endeavors. Haha. Today the girl friend I mentioned texted me about a guy she met twice:
"homeboy went through my underwear drawer. who does that?!"
In response, all I have to ask is, WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DEALING WITH? Some boys just surpass any and all boundaries and never fail to put a O_O on my face.
"he brought over two cans of beer...LOL"
...............good. At least it was two...courtesy, perhaps? Or he was really, really thirsty.
"he pulled the shaving line like the other guy. he's like hey you don't have much hair then he touched my leg"
Yeah, there was another guy who did that. HAHA....okay. Can I get some explanations? These situations are just so bizarre.
It has something to do with tolerating that kind of shit and it working for them on some girls. Just bitch at them and wait 'til a nicer boy comes along.
Unless she is unnaturally non-hairy and just requires her legs to be touched.
stop meeting men in back alleys by the strip club.
i never realized how creepy guys were until i got to college....CREEPINESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS
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