

You know when you're really not hungry at all, but you still want to eat? Seriously, you had a sandwich and a smoothie not two hours ago and yet you are looking forward to that chicken carbonara and nachos for dinner. You're not hungry, your stomach is completely full! You are just bored and do not want to study. You are just bored and want to think about the delicious kinds of food that you could be eating.

So today, April and I coined the term 'bungry'. It's when you eat when you're not really hungry, more just bored/neglectful of studies. Most of the time, I realize, I eat because I am bungry. This is a terrible thing to realize. It made me quite sad, because thinking about good food really actually does make me happy. But then it disrupts my previous train of thought about how I really really should probably start getting work done. It's just so much more fun thinking about things like chicken/broccoli/mushroom sandwiches.

An hour ago, April and I satisfied our bunger with some butter toffee peanuts from the vending machine. As of 10 minutes ago, I was bhirsty. So I got myself a strawberry melon juice drink from the vending machine. Being bhirsty and bungry all the time really takes a toll on your wallet.

My bhirstiness quenched, I am now back to feeling bungry. I could really go for some ramen right now. Dammit.


Crystal said...

HAHAHA A. and T. and I were just discussing this a couple hours ago...we're bungry all the time
can't stop.

Benjamin said...

Reminds me of Hermes' shirt. "I'm so sleepy but I can't stop eating"

Naomi said...

theres a term for this in chinese....
HAHA i always want to say it, but I always have to revert to chinese. i am glad i now have a word for it though :P

April said...

bungry (def.)-adj. to be bored and want to eat, take the "h" off and add a "b" and you got bungry....wanna go eat? :)