
end of an era

As Natalie brought to my attention last night during the countdown, this year was the last year we could wear those spiffy "2009" glasses. Cause next year we'll be ringing in 2010 and there will be an awkward line hanging in the middle of your face and a 2 all alone by your ear, and this imbalance is definitely a no-no. So sad, so sad. But I guess we'll all just deal with it. haha

Happy 2009, guys! (:

So for most of us, "our" year of 2008 is over. Sad, I know. 2008 was a pretty great year from the start, filled with fun times & friendship & growth, yay. I feel like we are all really growing up! We graduated high school and all went off to college and started learning (hopefully) and having fun (duh) independent of each other and our previous MV lives.

People tend to do these "best of last year" moments at the start of a new year, but my memory is too crappy for me to recollect all the times that made me happiest. Thank goodness for photographs, or these countless happy times would probably be lost forever within the tangled realms of my mind. Thanks for being a part of my fantabulous 2008 though, everyone. (: I truly wouldn't change a thing!

I am ready to kick some ass in 2009. I know I'm never good at sticking to New Years Resolutions, but I always make them anyway. I feel like I learned a lot in 2008 and my resolutions just involve some things to keep in mind more often than I did in 08. So it should be easier to keep them this year...right? Please?

Winter break is pretty much over! ): Half of my to-do list remains unchecked, but there is a lot more that happened than I ever thought to list so I am not going to be a baby and whine. There is always spring break, unless I visit the east coast which is a possibility? Unsure. How strange, though...this will be the first quarter I go through straight without a little break to come home. 10 whole weeks! Ah well, absence makes the heart grow fonder...and hopefully by the time I come back to NorCal, it won't be so damn cold.

I realize I spent a lot of time this break just sitting at home doing whatever I wanted. Reading, watching TV/movies, writing, taking long baths, haha. When you write it all down like that it seems like I had a pretty unproductive break but I think it was some well-deserved me-time, offset by the hangout sessions with friends who keep me sane & happy. Hoo-hah. Win all around!

2009, here I come!


Natalie said...

yay for a great year and a great break :)

Crystal said...

being unproductive is the best part

VaguelyCynical said...

We may have to start our very own chapter of Douchebags Anonymous. shhhhh.
