I have to say, though. He is a really interesting guy, from what I've seen and heard thus far. Granted I've only been conscious for about a third of the time he's spoken, but what I got from him so far was that his lectures are interspersed with funny tidbits, he loves Project Runway, and he would probably be a great person to take a really long road trip with. He's just one of those people who are filled with random interesting-ness, like for instance today we talked about this:

Which I thought was really funny. I'd never seen it before, maybe you guys have because I'm stuck in my little non-politically involved shell, and I must say Irvine is really not the most politically active campus either, but yeah. I lol-ed and thought of Tina Fey, and seeing Russia from your house, and then thinking of Russia made me think of the Bolsheviks, and that just reminded me of how confused I am, so my lol-ing ended pretty quickly.
But then he also does things like make us stand up and sing communist songs. And standing up and singing "The Internationale" for four minutes is much too exhausting for me, so I conked out after that. I would be the worst commie ever, hoo-hah.
Anyway, I also have an assignment on Berlin Cabaret Culture due for my discussion in approximately one and a half hours. Surprise, surprise: I have not yet begun.
My Beatles class also deserves more attention than I am giving it. Yesterday we watched a clip of the Beatles performing at Shea stadium, and it was CRAZY! There were girls screaming and crying and fainting and running on the field and getting dragged off of it by grumpy looking cops. The sound of the Beatlemaniacs was so deafening that I doubt John, Paul, Ringo, and George could even hear themselves singing. (Hell yeah I am on a first name basis with them. And I must say, I have a rather giant crushes on Paul and Ringo.) It was cool though cause you could tell they were having an amazing time, John was going nuts and playing the keyboard with his elbows and George couldn't sing for laughing so hard. This class seriously never fails to put a smile on my face. And yet for all my love for this class, I still am seriously behind. Like 300 pages behind, to be exact. Plus like nine playlists of music. I'm a winner!

Madness. The 60's must have been such an amazing time for life! Jealous.
I've also been catching up on TV shows, like Grey's Anatomy for instance. I have that show to thank for getting me started on actually following television shows, so I do have a soft spot in my heart for it. At the same time, I do want to slap a hoe across the face and maybe cry and scream at the television. Izzy is SO frustrating and just...her storyline is not interesting at all, and things are going in circles and getting boring and just not intense anymore. It saddens me to see Grey's shriveling so, but PLEASE! It's hurting me.
This made me laugh though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JImyMGNQSs&feature=related
Points of interest:
-Meredith's bangs are SPOT ON. #1 annoyance of the show prior to Izzy's storyline.
-I just grey'sed your anatomy! HAHAHA
-I'm right, right???
Okay, I should probably start being productive. Which is really hard when your next door neighbor is blasting Britney Spears. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to Brit-brit and I'm so glad her downward spiral spiralled upwards, but it's different listening to her and listening to her through a wall.
Oh I also had a dream that I broke my leg but walked around crutch-less. DEEPER MEANING, anyone??? What my little dream book says is that a broken leg forecasts a period of unhappiness...but I feel like my period of unhappiness is over. And in my dream, I was walking around all fine and not really lamenting my lack of crutches, just wondering why I didn't have any. But I was a trooper! So maybe I'll have unhappiness but be fine and march on regardless. OR MAYBE I'm analyzing too much and should focus my brain power on Berlin Cabaret Culture!