

I had a delightfully tiring day tearing up the slopes in Tahoe.

However, standing in many many long lines made me realize something. Lots and lots of people are grumpy. Lots of people nag at each other, pick at each others little faults, complain about conditions that they can do nothing about...I admit that I often commit these crimes, but being around so many people today made me notice that there are more people like this in the world than I am happy with.

Why can't we just try and be happy? Times may get you down but I feel like there's always a bright side, and if there's not a bright side, hopefully there's a good friend and a stack of fresh-baked cookies to get you through.

What I'm saying is, I realize that we as humans are faulty. We make mistakes all the time, because that's how we learn. The thing that I am afraid of is making the mistake of not being happy. Too many times I've been frustrated with things outside of my power, things that I can easily forget about in the coming minutes. But I let these things occupy my mind and get me tangled within myself, so rather than enjoying the happy times that are flying by, I'm caught up in a mess that is easily forgettable.

This post is rather cliche, I suppose, because to sum it all up, I guess you could just say "don't worry, be happy."

But waiting in line with grouchy strangers today made me wonder how many people are really, genuinely happy. Do they find joy in their lives, every day? Do they even look for it anymore?

Amidst the freezing toes and fingers, the icy windshields and soggy pants, the unfortunate stomachache and random moments of eating shit, I had a fantastic time today. It was a perfect release, and it made me happy in ways too complex to put in words.

Other things that made me happy:
-cute, bundled babies being pulled in the snow
-muscle memory not failing me
-perfect fields of untouched snow
-POWDER, baby! (:

I hope joy is something I never forget how to find.


VaguelyCynical said...

"I hope joy is something I never forget how to find. "
Luckily there are normally people around to help you find it once again.

Crystal said...

haha I kept thinking about your words when I was boarding
I tried, yeah? haha and my s-turns did get better
I think we had fun in line
singing our kanye
we too coo fo schoo

Anonymous said...

YES for bundled babies.

oh so kyoote. ^_^V