My suite, view down the staircase, and the common room. (:
My hall is amazing with decor and Christmas spirit! We sang Christmas carols tonight as our hall was judged for holiday decoration. And we ripped up paper and pretended it was snow and made snow angels and sang and danced and dressed up, and it was super cute! This was right after our hall banquet where we all got dolled up and pigged out. My hall seriously rockkkks.<3
Pretty much I am filled to the brim with holiday cheer! And optimism in general.
Like the fact that I missed one and a half out of two classes today don't phase me none! Also I am increasingly optimistic about my essay due Saturday and my bio final on Monday, both of which require much more work on my part. Does that tell you what a good mood I am in right now? I feel like I can do accomplish anything! All I have to do is get around to doing it..haha.
It might be the caffeine talking. I had a double shot Starbucks thingy today and perhaps the caffeine is hyping me up into some over-energetic/optimistic freak of nature. Could be that.
The Best Day by Taylor Swift is such a cute, simply happy song. Simple happiness is hard to come by, and I wish I could embody that feeling of peaceful, quiet joy the way that she does in this song. Appreciation of the smaller moments and simple pleasures is really important!

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