

Friday was the shit. (:
1. Rally - The seniors won! Not the greatest ever though, but I'm glad we won our last rally. haha. Also got a BIT teary eyed at the end. That's also a bit of an understatement. BLEH. I'm hella going to miss rallies and all the work that goes into them and all the people you bond with at setup and poster painting! \: I love rallies & the class of 2008<3

2. DANCE. Pre-dance shenanigans with the girls was basically the most fun I've had in a LONG time. We got together at Paulina's house to get ready and take pictures in our fabulous shirts. Not everyone was there which was a big downer but we still had fun anyway. As soon as her parents left we didn't have anyone to take group pictures for us, so we set the cameras on the fence and took timed ones. I love self-timer. After all the normalcy was over, we set the timers on three cameras and just started running around and jumping and dancing to see what poses the cameras would catch us in. Hilarity ensued. (: We also tried to find things in our surroundings that matched the color of our t-shirts. Basically neighbors thought there was a hoard of mentally unstable teen girls running around at eight in this friendly neighborhood...quite frightening. Anyway. We made our way over to the dance but decided to just park and have a tailgating party for a bit. So we blasted music and danced outside until we saw some cops close by...then we decided to just act like demure children and enter the dance obediently. The dance was pretty frickin fun too. (:

3. Sleepover! After a mess of confusion and planning and getting things (and people) together, we (meaning me, Kathy, Ben, and Tomasz) finally ended up on a hill looking down at the valley at around 2 AM. We talked about a lot of things and then gradually dropped off to sleep. The view was amazing and the night was pretty warm, so it was really nice. Waking up to see the sky and the view as my greeting was also great. (: We hung around at Ben's for a bit and then we all ended up home at around 1PM. Overall it was a really chill and relaxing sleepover, I'm so glad I have these guys to hang out with and talk to. Sleeping outside is definitely one of my favorite things to do.

This weekend should be filled with studying for the four tests I have this week (on the same two days gah) but I've instead spent my time today on the computer looking at pictures from yesterday. Especially our running pictures, I can't get enough!



Lovely how parents can totally change the mood of a night, right?

I come home somewhat sad about things ending and my mom decides to bring up stupid academic issues. I won't go into detail but they're stupid, pissed me off, and basically ruined my mood for the night. Thanks, parents. I hate coming home to this. They seriously do not understand anything. I thought things were going okay but I guess I'm mistaken. Seriously. The chemistry within my family just does NOT work at all.


Today was pretty good, I always like tutorial schedule. Shorter periods yay! (: Senior awards night was at 7, and Vini, Yangdi, Sameep, Dami and I presented Mr. Powers with his framed spread and announced his dedication. Well...Dami and I just stood there holding the spread. Whatever. Highlight of the whole shindig was definitely Hermes winning the Service-before-Self Award. A pretty massive silver cup with his name written on the base! I was SO happy for him! (: He's really one of the people I admire most; he always seems to know what's going on and he's always got stuff happening. But he still finds time to be one of the greatest friends ever. The night kind of made me think about grad, just cause it was all seniors facing an audience of parents/friends/siblings. And thinking about grad...I don't know what that makes me feel anymore. It's so muddled.

After that was over, rally setup started. Last one ever! ): It went a lot faster than others before it, I think. I'm gonna miss rally setup. The rally video is reaaaally kick-ass this time around, too. <3 It made me all teary!

I seriously feel so trapped again. This is what my parents do; they cage me and put me in bad moods and discourage me when it's seriously the last thing I need. They are so, so unreasonable. I can't even argue with them because it's just so pointless and stupid.

I was sailing along, crossing my fingers that everything would go alright and I'd get out of it in one solid piece. I guess I hit a rock.

At least I have the dance tomorrow night to look forward to...but if I want to sleep over afterwards I better fix this stupid deal I have with my parents. Ughhhh.


Last Things.

I hereby promise to blog every day. Or if not every day, as frequently as possible. I refuse to forget about this blog!

Today was the last block period Wednesday EVER. As usual, I slept through a portion of the massive 95 minute chunk of Gov AP and sat listlessly counting down the minutes in Physiology. Next week will be death - five days straight of seven-period schedules. Add into that a couple of finals I have as well as projects and essays and you're looking at H-E-double hockey sticks. Fun way to end high school, right?

There IS a lot to look forward to. Just in the next two weeks...senior awards, rally setup, rally carnival, farewell rally, farewell dance, yearbook vs. journalism capture the flag game, yearbook distribution party, senior check-out day, senior ball, senior picnic, grad practice (kinda bleh.), baccalaureate, and GRADUATION...wow. Jam-packed, but that's how I like it. (: This mad rush of activity is also a pretty good distraction from the SAD SAD fact that high school is over for us. How did this happen!? It's pretty incredible, and every time I think about sitting among all my peers and looking out at the sunset and our families and friends I get a little nostalgic. Graduation has always been in the plan, obviously, but it was always so blurry. Every day the image gets sharper and sharper and honestly, when I wake up June 12th I don't really know how I'm going to feel. Torn between depression and euphoria maybe? Or a nice balance of the two. Maybe the extremities will cancel each other out and I'll just be indifferent. Hah, hope not.

After school today a bunch of us got together to make shirts for the last dance. It took a lot longer than I had previously estimated and put me under a lot more stress than I ever thought would be possible, but it's worth it. Can't wait to get ready with the girls and bust a move on the dance floor. (; SAD THOUGHT - last farewell dance! ):

We cut out stencils and spray painted onto shirts, for a rather cool effect. NTS, maybe do something like this for dorm decor in the fall? I can't believe I'm even thinking about dorm decor. BUT it really is pretty cool!

One of the things I realized today is I let little things get to me a lot more than they should. But I've always known I don't easily let go of things...I just need to be more clear in deciding what matters to me and what I could care less about. Process of growth, maybe.

I hate to end this on a glum note but I have a crapload of late work to catch up on. And I'm planning to sleep early since my throat hurts like a mofo right now and I really want to be healthy for the dance and all the other things going on this week and next week. Cross your fingers for my health! And maybe a Jamba Juice coldbuster wouldn't hurt. (:

Welcome to the Interweb.

I've been here before, but I haven't shown my face or revealed my identity.

This time is different! This is me and these are my words, laugh if you will.