

Hello, blog, haven't seen you in a while. I don't know if anyone is aware of this blog but it's still here, I guess I'll revive it every once in a while.

The main push factor of me logging back into this blog was Kathy's update about how they re-vamped their designs...yeah HAYYY NEW LAYOUT!

Anyway. This summer is pretty fun so far, I haven't been really HOME for a bit, and it's quite nice, really. I miss the familiar faces and I miss my friends but getting into a change of scene is completely appropriate for me right now, and it's making me realize what I really value as important. Goals are changing, as they constantly do, and priorities are further exposing themselves.

But yeah, I just got a text message that drained me of all emotion, so I don't really know how to feel right now. Sometimes you read something and you have to read it over and over because its waves of impact constantly wash over you and knock you off your feet. But sometimes you read something once and then you feel a whole lot of nothing. Not apathy exactly, but if you could feel the phrase "I don't know" then that would be it! BINGO.

The quaint brick houses and hot summer air of the East Coast beckon to me, lure me in, and I'm certain that I'll be here again in the future, hopefully for a longer stay. California I love you, but change is good.


Lisa said...

talk to meeeeeee.

i think i know what you mean about feeling "i don't know." i'm jealous that you get to be in a completely different environment right now though. glad you're enjoying the change <3


I'm glad my good word of new layouts has been put to use! :) MISSSS YOUUUUUUUUU