
merry christmas

Merry Christmas friends! (:

Someone asked me today: what did you want for Christmas?

I couldn't really think of anything off the top of my head; most of the things that I want cost a lot of money and are things that I want to work towards and save for myself (slr, France $$, snowboard). Other things that I want are things that have to be earned as well, things like the capacity for caring more about things, the ability to be happy with what I have, the ability to appreciate and share that appreciation.

So I told him that. His response? Wow, you've changed.

On the contrary I think I've always wanted those things, maybe I just never voiced them clearly enough. I guess getting absorbed into materialism and the consumer culture is easier than remembering what really matters in life...but then what REALLY matters anyway?

I think what matters now is improving relationships with people and remembering that people are around to make you laugh and to pull you out of ruts. What matters is...that in the future I keep remembering to be a good person, to remember what values I cherish most, to remember who I am past all these surface-type labels.

This is turning into a new-years-resolution type post and TRUST ME I'm already prepared for that one, so I'll stop now. I don't even know why I'm blogging. It's Christmas, I just decorated 25 cupcakes, overloaded on sugar, I have a kitchen to clean, I'm sleepy...Off to snoozeland I go. Must wake up early for matinee showing of Sherlock Holmes, love being Asian.

P.S. Christmas isn't about WANTING. Every day that we live is about wanting.


break-induced crazy

When someone says, "I have a feeling you'll like this" or some other statement that indicates the fact that they THINK they know you well enough to judge whether or not you will enjoy the next tidbit that they present to you, doesn't that kinda sorta force you into a little corner and make you a little more prone to actually liking it? Or pretending to like it, at least?

I mean, you can't really say, "This is kinda lame. I can't believe you thought I'd like this." Cause what they pick for you to like is kind of their perception of who you are, so in a way, I guess they're testing how close they got to the bulls-eye.

The best I can muster up is a "aw yeah! This is funny." Or something like that. Just bear with them for the moment, realize how much they fail at knowing you, work on letting them get to know you better, and then never talk about that one failed tidbit ever again. Life goes on.

I'm always totally insecure about picking things for people. "You know what I like" -- this statement sometimes scares the bejeezus out of me, unless I do know that I know what they like. It comes off as a kind of test to me, like, "hey we've been friends this long, if you forgot that I totally hate peanuts then why the eff are you still hanging out with me" type thing.

Another thing -- I used to take these online personality test things a lot, just for fun, just to kill time. I think I liked having myself simply laid out by a few general statements, just because it was something I could put a finger on and be like, "ah! Yes, I do agree, this statement often pertains to the way that I behave in everyday life."

Somewhere though, did I get too used to being told how I am? Did I get too accustomed to relying on outside sources to share some insight on how I myself behave? Shouldn't it just be me figuring this stuff out? Maybe I'm too stuck in my own head to actually see myself for whoever I am. But then again maybe I'm also very interested in how others see me, and maybe that's how I define myself (???) but I'm always really interested to hear about peoples' first impressions of me and how they JUDGE me, etc.

Anyway, one random day on the Internet I found this name analysis type deal. I got linked from Jason Mraz' blog, yes I read his blog, no I am not some infatuated little fangirl, I just think he has some nice insights every once in a while when he's not too busy trying to convert everyone into hippie love machines striking downward facing dog poses.

The verdict:
* The name Chery gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary.

* You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in.

* Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious.

* You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships.

* Although the name Chery creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation.

* This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus.

So do I merely agree with these statements BECAUSE they are true, or are they true because this bogus name-meaning-generator told me it is so?

And another question: am I going crazy because it is break and I have absolutely nothing to do, or is it break because I am going crazy from having nothing to do?


the great thing about pants

Or shoes, for that matter.

They come with a receipt. And a return policy. And a visible price tag! In life, none of this is offered. More on this later.

Conversation with my sister (who is startlingly similar to me in our approaches to zee "love life" or lack thereof…)

amy: cant
amy: stoppp
amy: thinking
amy: abt
amy: pants
me: lmao
me: i thought you were gonna say [boy]
me: i'm so glad you didnt
amy: i think im in .... love?
me: LOL
me: then go get the pants
me: if its true love
me: they'll wait for you
amy: noo
amy: but i want them.. NOW
amy: ohh mommmaa needs her sugarrrrr

Sometimes it freaks me out how similar we are. Oh but if only all life were like this! THINK ABOUT IT…

You walk into the store (aka life) not really wanting anything, just set on the idea that if anything surprises you and tickles your fancy enough you will consider it for a while and then purchase it, if you think it's worth it. Simple as that.

And it's so easy to find something that you fall in love with in a store, because they're so upfront and honest with you! You know how much they will cost you. You can try them on for as long as you want to see if they're a good fit. And you know that when it all comes down to it, you can just return them if the relationship is not working out!

Moral of the story: boys need price tags. And return policies.

Part deux: similarities between search for boys and search for shoes.

1. Appearance

No crocs. Must be nice looking, and us girls love to outdo each other with our cute accessories. Appearance of shoes (or boys I guess) tells you a lot about the person wearing them. This of course is the first factor that draws you in, the others come later as you try the shoes on. Or the boy.

2. Comfort
Pretty self-explanatory. Shoes or boy must not give you blisters from rubbing you the wrong way, be it physical blisters or emotional ones. Must be able to hang out with said shoes/boy for long periods of time without wanting to cry and/or escape.

3. Price range

Q: Is it worth it?
Q: If I don't buy them now, will I still be thinking of them? Will I regret it?
Q: Will the payback come? AKA will I get the maximum amount of bang for my buck? (K that sounds wrong when thinking of males)

4. Uniqueness

Shoes/boy should reflect your essential style. If it fits in with who you are as a unique entity, DO IT.

Shoe shopping is so much easier than life.

Then again, a pair of shoes won't make you laugh. Except for maybe these shoes. HAH..


When people tell you you're cool, what does that make you think?

I'm so awkward with compliments. As C says I should learn to just smile and say "thanks" but any form of flattery makes me feel totes awk.

Maybe this stems from my childhood, like when my parentals showed me off to the relatives...
relatives: oh you're so pretty!!
me: heh heh thanks...........
relatives: and cute!!!!11!!1!!!
me: heh heh thanks...........
relatives: and your mom tells me you're so smart, too!!11!!1!
me: heh heh thanks...........
relatives: (cheek pinching/fast Indonesian and raucous laughter with my parents)
me: (awkward face, awkward shuffle away)

yeah, I'm sure we've all been in THAT situation. I think my instinct now is to totally negate any incoming compliments completely, so I'll respond with a "ohhh, heh heh nooo, not at allll...."/awkward-face combo that is sure to win them all.

Sigh compliments. I think mostly I'd rather be complimented on something I actively think about/choose for myself, not something inherent or genetic. Yeah I don't know, but should compliments be kept for things that people actually work for? Like they work hard or decide something and you're like hey, good job. Not like oh hey, you were born with nice hair, good job. Like when I say "thanks" I feel like I should be proud of whatever they're complimenting me on, not just cause I happen to be a certain way. Okay, I think too much.

I just need to learn how to accept compliments graciously, I guess. I feel like such a non-lady in this aspect. I bet Audrey Hepburn doesn't even have an awkward face....but whatever. I'm weird and awkward that way, love me please. ):

IDK. Do I even pay compliments? Maybe I should pay more. Anyway, yeah. BE COOL. I'm starting to hate this word. It just sounds weird.

Reminds me of French class
Oui! D'accord! COOL!

And Nicolas with his Montreal accent says COOL in ze most perfect way, tres bien. Oui, oui.


I'm scared.

There, I said it.


miscellaneous bullet points

-I always wake up feeling sad nowadays; in those spare moments between sleeping and waking my emotions are suspended in thin air. They tip over to the melancholy arena and I slowly gather consciousness as a strange sadness fills me to the core. It's a feeling I'm getting used to but I'm questioning why in the world it's there...but I ignore it's presence, put it aside, and force myself awake and out of bed and into another meaningless day. But if there's anything I've learned it's that you can't discard a feeling. So what is this really? Loneliness? Lack of meaning in my life? Lack of tangible goals? It could be a million different things.

ANYWAY, I don't mean to start the post on such a blue note...

-Currently pulling together a recap of 2009 post of EPIC PROPORTIONS...coming soon (deep theater man voice)

-SHAWTY WHATCHO NAME IS? I love me my divas; Beyonce and Lady GaGa = a match made in heaven.

-My roommate and I are entering another dangerous dip phase. Last year we bought 3 jars of spinach dip and ate it on everything until the mention of it's name triggered our gag reflexes. Earlier this year our obsession with homemade guacamole amounted to us buying x number of avocados... and now we have moved on to cheese dip. It was bound to come to this. SALSA CON QUESO, anyone??? My love for this dip is long lasting, I think I loved it since summer before senior year (holy CRAP that was a long time ago). And cheese is something I am especially picky about, so lemmetellya. This is good shit.

-Planning on ending my 3-week pescetarianism this Friday at Disneyland with a celebratory TURKEY LEGGGG

-Finals = finding LOTS of ways to entertain myself on the intarwebZ. I've found a trillion sites and blogs that I will probably love long time.

-tumblr.com. SERIOUSLY, DO IT. Seriously. Another shameless plug; http://internalogic.tumblr.com

-X-mas list as of right now: a really long ethernet cord so I can browse the web from the kitchen counter (aka my new favorite hangout) OR wifi, OmmWriter for PCs, and $15,000 for study abroad in the Fall. Bill Gates can you hear me? I have been so good this year...

Or ya know...being home for Christmas is always good.


i love the internet

Especially during finals week. I'll elaborate later....but for now I'm using this as a plug to my most recent love affair.

Everyone...hop on board. Seriously, I guarantee you will love it as much as I do (and Nate does)


ebert & roeper style

Two thumbs up to magazine arrivals in the mail. Taylor on the cover of InStyle, Blake on the cover of Nylon, and SJP (iffffy, but okay) on the cover of Elle? I am QUITE satisfied.

One thumb up to mushroom/spinach/cheese quesadillas. My vegetarianism continues successfully......but yes I am feenin for an in-n-out burger or some kbbq. SIGH.

Two thumbs up to the strengthening of the Nexxus of Spite.

Two thumbs up to me dragging my sleepy ass out of bed at 9:15, 45 minutes later than usual, and still managing to make it to class on time, even though I looked like I fell down the rabbit hole. Can this get three thumbs up actually? I'm really proud of myself.

One thumb up to having great conversations/super chill visits with friends I click-click-click with. Insight, injuries, laughter and discussion galore...but only one thumb up because I intended to stay for an hour and ended up staying for three.

Two thumbs up for people I can be weird around. People who enjoy my cross-eyed dinosaur faces and my french-fry lovin habits. My fondness for weirdness GROWS AND GROWS. From anthro: "anthropology teaches us that people do weird things but they don't do them randomly. They have their reasons...their behavior follows a pattern. It has an internal logic." ...two big thumbs up for internal logic. heh.

One thumb up to John Mayer's CD, Battle Studies. And for actually downloading off the music thread in general, YAY.

No thumbs up to my final tomorrow. Actually one thumb up cause I really DGAF about this class (hah, future major maybe) and plus it's just another one to get through.

Two thumbs up to DISNEYLAND THIS FRIDAY!!! PLUS a Disneyland pass?!? PLEASE let this work.....I'm getting my other digits involved into this bullet point and crossing all my fingers.

No thumbs up to everyone and their dog being sick, even my friend's computer got a virus (ha, ha, ha......)

One thumb up to plans for baking cupcakes next Wednesday: planning on trying out recipes for gingerbread cupcakes or peppermint cupcakes or something holiday-like...

One thumb up to crafty creative thoughts about gift-wrapping and gift-purchasing and wishlists. Only one thumb because I have not the bank account to afford to wrap my gifts so lavishly or even purchase the items I wish I could for the dear ones in my life.

No thumbs up to discovering that UCI = high school, sans parents.

One thumb up to endless apricot blossom green tea addiction. This would get two thumbs up except for the fact that it swellllls my bladder and makes me pee in public restrooms, which I HATE.

No thumbs up to my messy messy room, you can hardly see the floor. And my laundry awaits.

No thumbs up to SHITTT it's 2:00 time to actually get work done......bye.