
Summer daze.

Notice my cute pun in the title? Yeah, NOBODY'S EVER USED IT BEFORE.

But I used it to illustrate the monotony of summer 2008. Yes it has its peaks, yes it has it's never-been-done-before moments, but for the most part, it's pretty much like any other summer in the past. Minus the very different and climactic ending and the abnormal length.

Anyway...I honestly haven't been doing much this summer. For instance, in the past 24 hours I:
-dug around in my mother's closet and found an amazing new face wash
-re-discovered the beauty of toast (especially on french bread! I had it twice.)
-watched The Devil Wears Prada for maybe the fifth time (I can NOT get tired of this movie! Reinforces my belief that I belong at a magazine)
-watched Funny Face for the first time, re-fell in love with Audrey Hepburn for the second time this summer
-worked at my beloved ice cream shop for four hours, sampling and snacking the entire time (I'm totally lying if I tell you I get sick of ice cream after working there for a year)
-planned with my sister to both be fabulously rich by a) working very hard and b) not eating food
-contemplated the idea of going outside in the dead heat to attempt to figure out what needs to be done to fix my bicycle. Decided against it, and made myself another piece of toast instead.
-emailed myself a list of items to save up $$$ for. List includes: suede Steve Madden slouchy boots, The Little Black Book of Style by Nina Garcia (<333), a new set of bras/undies (we all know it's what's underneath that counts) and some other winter necessities (fabulous coats, completely unnecessary in SoCal but TOTALLY delightful and worth it.)

Wow, writing all of that down lulls me into a false sense of productivity. I seriously have not been doing anything besides sitting on my bum singing along to Taylor Swift and waiting for my damn internet movies to load. I want this mad cycle to stop, because soon I will have watched all movies worth watching in the history of forever and then some, and then I will be fat and bored! Cause we all know that watching a movie is impossible/lacking in fun without some snackage.

So every night I make a plan of being productive...and every morning I acknowledge the existence of these chores and decide against crossing anything off of my invisible to-do list. Yeah, I don't write these things down cause that makes them actually exist for me. Shut up, I know I'm in denial.

I guess I should write something down here so I can feel guilty for being a bum again tomorrow:
-clean hamster's cage, seriously getting pretty foul
-sort through books to donate
-buy Q-tips at Target

And I guess I could look at my list of summer activities and start doing things. Seriously, they're pretty simple things. Clean room, read books, start cooking more? Not exactly marathon status but yet I still find these activities/time-wasters much too demanding.

I guess that's it for tonight, no I'm not going to sleep are you kidding? There is a whole world wide web for me to peruse tonight. I'm just tired of admitting to my bummery. So off I go!